A very unproductive couple of months here. I did get a small storyboarding job which hopefully may lead on to other work, but otherwise nothing stable. Living at home with my parents is slowly starting to soften me and I'm turning slightly stir crazy as evident by my singing. Not that the singing itself is weird, it's what I'm singing. Like replacing the word neighbours with lasers in the theme song for Neighbours, singing the words "lamb of God" over and over to the tune of the Jurassic Park theme music, or my rendition of Under the Sea with lyrics altered to describe an unpleasant sore under the skin on my jawline. My brain has getting schmushy.
Anyway, I have done a few bits. The storyboards for one and a picture I drew of Elaine, my bbffb(gtfo), as bad-ass army bitch Bazookalainey. That one was fun because I got to mess around with Photoshop more and I reckon I shall start to use that as my default image editing software for any more pictures I do.
It would be nice to start getting back to working with real materials again. I've got a shoebox full of various bits; paints, pastels, watercolour pencils, etc. I really should try and actually use them.
I'd also love to submit a design to Threadless, the t-shirt website, but I haven't yet come up with a good concept. Could any of the two people who might read this perhaps throw me in some direction of a area or zone that is sometimes inclined to feature an idea? No? :(
Guess I'll just have to use my own mushy brain. "Unda dah skeen, unda dah skeen, strange inflammation, swelling sensation, under dah skeen!"
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